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Practice TOEFL Structure and Answer Key (Soal structure TOEFL dan Kunci Jawabannya) 02

Practice TOEFL Structure and Answer Key (Soal structure TOEFL dan Kunci Jawabannya) 02 -Here is the example of structure toefl test. There is answer key in the end of this post. Check your ability in structure then make sure that your answer is right.

 1. From 1949 onward ,the artist Georgia O’keeffe

  made New Mexico -----.

(A) her permanent residence was

(B) where her permanent residence

(C) permanent residence for her

(D) her permanent residence

2. Just as remote-controlled satellites can be

  employed to explore outer space, ---- employed

  to investigate the deep sea.

(A) can be robots

(B) robots can be

(C) can robots

(D) can robots that are

3. In --- people, the areas of the brain that control

  speech are located in the left hemisphere.

(A) mostly of

(B) most

(C) almost the

(D) the most of

Practice TOEFL Structure and Answer Key (Soal structure TOEFL dan Kunci Jawabannya) 02
Practice TOEFL Structure and Answer Key (Soal structure TOEFL dan Kunci Jawabannya) 02

4. Stars shine because of ---- produced by the

  nuclear reactions taking place within them.

(A) the amount of light and heat is

(B) which the amount of light and heat

(C) the amount of light and heat that it is

(D) the amount of light and heat

5. ---- is not clear to researchers.

(A) Why dinosaurs having become extinet.

(B) Why dinosaurs became extinet

(C) Did dinosaurs become extinet

(D) Dinosaurs became extinet

6. Although many people use the word “milk” to

  refer to cow’s milk,--- to milk from any

  mammal, including human milk and goat’s milk.

(A) applying it also

(B) applies also

(C) it also applies

(D) but it also applies

7. The first transatlantic telephone cable system

  was not established --- 1956.

(A) while

(B) until

(C) on

(D) when

8. ---- on two people think exactly alike, there will always be disagreement, but disagreement

should not always be avoided: it can be healthy

if handled vreatively.

(A) There are

(B) Why

(C) That

(D) Because

9. Drinking water ---- excessive amounts of

  fluorides may leave a stained or mottled effect

  on the enamel of teeth.

(A) containing

(B) in which containing

(C) contains

(D) that contain

10. In the 1820’s physical education became --- of

   the curriculum of Harvard and Yale


   (A) to be part

   (B) which was part

   (C) was part

   (D) part

11. Pewter, ---- for eating and drinking utensils in

   colonial America, is about ninety percent tin,

   with copper or bismuth added for hardness.

   (A) was widely used

   (B) widely used it

   (C) widely used

   (D) which widely used

12. A moth possesses two pairs of wings --- as a

 single pair and are covered with dustlike


 (A) function

 (B) are functioning

 (C) that function

 (D) but functions

13. Soap operas, a type of television drama series,

   are so called because, at first they were ----.

   (A) often which soap manufacturers

   (B) sponsored often soap manufactures

   (C) often sponsored by soap manufacturers

   (D) soap manufactures often sponsored them

14. The Woolworth Building in New York was the

   highest in America when --- in 1913 and was

   famous for its use of Gothic decorative


   (A) built

   (B) it built

   (C) was built

   (D) built it

15. Humans,----, interact through communicative

   behavior by means of signs or symbols used


   (A) like other animals

   (B) how other animals

   (C) other animals that

   (D) do other animals